
October 8, 2016

Iowa Lions Foundation Meeting October 8, 2016


Pleasant Hill Library
5151 Maple Dr., Ste 2
Pleasant Hill, IA 50327

Iowa Lions Foundation- Meeting for Saturday, October 8, 2016
At: Pleasant Hill Library
Time: 9:00 A.M.
Foundation Dress Code: Casual

1. Call to Order Pres. Zane Vokes
2. Pledge to the Flag Trustee Kathy Rinehart
3. Invocation Trustee Allen Olson
4. Introductions Pres. Zane Vokes
5. Roll Call Executive Secretary Gary Fry
6. Additions to the Agenda Pres. Zane Vokes
7. Approval of Agenda Pres. Zane Vokes
8. Minutes of July 30, 2016 Executive Secretary Gary Fry
9. State Office Report SA Tim Wilson
10. Financial Report SA Tim Wilson
11. Second Quarter Payments SA Tim Wilson
12. Review of Policy Manual Trustee Reba Reed
13. Direct Depositing of Funds to ILF & LCIF Pres. Zane Vokes
14. Warren Coleman Bases Pres. Zane Vokes
15. Warren Coleman Pins Pres. Zane Vokes
16. Investment Committee Members Pres. Zane Vokes

17a. Additions to the Agenda

18. Investment Committee Report Phil Horn
19. Ebersol Trust
20. Gala Update Phil Larabee
21. Council of Governor’s Comments CC Terry Durham
22. Final Comments Pres. Zane Vokes
23. Adjournment Pres. Zane Vokes




The second meeting of the Iowa Lions Foundation Board of Trustees was held October 8, 2016 at the Public Library in Pleasant Hill. President Zane Vokes called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Trustee MC Allen Ricks led the Pledge of Allegiance and Trustee SE Alan Olson offered the Invocation. President Vokes had everyone introduce themselves and their duty to the Foundation.

Executive Secretary Gary Fry conducted Roll Call with the following in attendance: President Zane Vokes; Vice President Reba Reed; Executive Secretary Gary Fry; Treasurer Tim Wilson; Trustee EC Art Matje; Trustee MC Allen Ricks; Trustee MC Steve Halstead; Trustee NC Gary Schriver; Trustee NE Christine Hackett; Trustee NE Dr. Gene Noonan; Trustee NW Terry Hoefle; Trustee NW Ken Hayward.; Trustee SE Alan Olson; Trustee SE Gary Vandenberg; Trustee SW Alan Zobel; and CC Terry Durham. PID Judy Hankom joined the meeting later.

Pres. Vokes called for addition to the agenda. SA Tim Wilson asked that the Monticello Lion request to use the Foundation EIN number be discussed. Trustee NC Gary Schriver moved to approve the agenda as amended. Trustee SE Alan Olson seconded and upon the vote the agenda was adopted as amended.

Exec. Sec. Fry presented the minutes as mailed out. Trustee MC Allen Ricks moved to accept and file the minutes of the July 30, 2016 meeting. Trustee NW Ken Hayward seconded and with a favorable vote the minutes were approved and placed on file.

SA PDG Tim Wilson presented the State Office report. He has sought an estimate to correct some electrical issues at the State Office. As the memorial brick area is full he is seeking additional possibilities for approximately 70 bricks. We have switched our property insurance to another carrier, but same agent. Lions Club annual financial review has been completed and the Foundation review should be completed shortly. Over 70 names of prospective members were obtained through the State Fair booth. New Office assistant is Marcia Devilbiss. Trustee NE Dr. Gene Noonan moved to accept the State Office Report. Trustee NW Hayward seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer SA Wilson presented the financial report for September. $10,098 was realized after all bills paid from the Beep Baseball World Series. Trustee NC Schriver moved to donate $3000 to adaptive Sports Iowa to help continue the Iowa Reapers. Trustee NE Noonan seconded and the motion passed. Trustee SW Reba Reed moved to accept and file the financial report. Trustee NE Christine Hackett seconded and upon the vote the report was placed on file.

Treasurer Wilson asked for direction on paying the second quarter payments to the entities. Trustee NE Noonan moved to authorize payments in December. Trustee EC Art Matje seconded and the motion carried.

Trustee SE Alan Olson presented the report of the Policy Manual Review Committee. Changes were suggested to sections A-1;A-2;B-1;D-1;E-1;F-1;G-2;H-1;H-2; H-3; and J-3. All came out moved and seconded by the review committee as appointed. A change to G-3 to go along with a change in G-2 was proposed by Trustee SW Reed and seconded by Trustee MC Steve Halstead and the additional change was approved. As all sections were approved individually the entire revised Policy manual was approved. On section F-1 Trustee EC Matje abstained. President Vokes was directed to ask the Investment Committee to review Section K and make recommendations for the Mid Winter Meeting. As requested President Vokes will email to all the current rules of audit.

President Vokes led the discussion on the direct depositing of funds to the Iowa Lions Foundation. Since final approval from LCI Legal has not been obtained this issue was tabled.

President Vokes introduced a discussion on Warren Coleman plaque bases and Warren Coleman pins. PDG Abe Falkena who makes the bases is in a very small club that is likely to close and was concerned if this happened whether he could still be the one to make the bases? Consensus was that the Trustees hoped that the club would not close but that event would not affect the position of PDG Falkena. SA Wilson inquired about Warren Coleman honorary Progressive Pins above level 6. Trustee MC Halstead moved and Trustee SW Reed seconded a motion to have SA Wilson develop higher level pins on a +5 basis (i.e. 10, 15, 20 �.). Motion carried.

President Vokes asked for confirmation of the email vote to reappoint Lion Phil Horn to the
Investment Committee. Trustee SW Reed moved and Trustee NC Schriver seconded a motion to approve the email vote returning Lion Phil Horn to the investment committee for the next three years. Motion carried. As Lion Andrew Murdoch’s term ends in June, SA Wilson is to contact him about whether he wishes to be reappointed?

Update from the Investment Committee was that attempts to meet by Scope did not work and that a conference call was used. Lion Phil Horn will be sending the minutes of the meeting to all in short order.

The Monticello Lions club has asked permission to use the Foundation EIN number to make a grant application for the fire department in Monticello. Trustees felt that there was not enough information to vote on this at this time. Realizing that time may be of the essence SA Wilson was asked to contact the club for more specifics and that an email vote be taken once more information is received. This type of request has been made before and granted or denied on an individual basis. Due to concern about any future requests President Vokes appointed a committee of Trustee NE Noonan; Trustee NE Hackett and Executive Secretary Fry to develop and application form to be used to request the use of the Foundation EIN number.

SA Wilson is working on finalizing a date for the Ebersol Committee to meet with Tyler Logan and others from the investment company.

President Vokes shared that contracts with the hotel and the entertainment have been signed for the 2017 Gala. The Gala will be held February 18, 2017 at the Hotel Kirkwood in Cedar Rapids.

CC Terry Durham reported on behalf of the Council of Governors. The next Council meeting will be October 22nd. Membership in MD 9 was at a +5 at the end of the first quarter. A big change from most years. Districts EC; NW; SE and SW were all in the positive. NE and NC had applied for and received LCI Emergency Grants for the recent flooding. Plans continue to move the “Iowa Lion” to digital as July 1, 2017. The Lions clubs of Iowa Policy manual is also under review and will be discussed at the October 22nd meeting.

With no further business the meeting was declared adjourned at 11:25 AM.

An addendum to these minutes follow. This addendum includes Trustees reports as submitted by October 10, 2016.

Trustee Reports
1st Quarter 2016-2017
Steve Halstead, 9MC
It seems that most Lions clubs wait until the end of the year to make their donations to the Iowa Lions Foundation, and District 9MC is no exception. At the end of September, $3,165 of the budgeted $36,000 had been collected.
With the start of September, Club visits began in earnest. To date, I have visited Des Moines Host, Parks Community , Mitchellville and Bondurant, with more planned. I met with Carol Ann and Randy Kirkbride to discuss the Leader dog Puppy program. Following that meeting, I drafted a letter regarding the Leader Dog Puppy program in Iowa Correctional facilities. I am waiting for a response to the draft from Carol Ann and Randy before sending it on to the others charged at the August Trustee meeting with expressing our concerns to Leader Dog. I reviewed the ILF Policy manual and submitted my suggestions to the others on this committee. I read through their comments and suggestions and noted them. We met on October 6 and developed a set of recommendations for the upcoming meeting.
Trustee Allen Zobel-Representing 28 clubs. North Half of SW9.
I have emailed every club a letter introducing myself and asking for date to see them. I have all but two clubs responded with dates to visit. I have visited 20 of my 28 clubs so far. I have talked about our budget and entities the Iowa Lions served and where dollars are invested. As of September 25th, I have collected $3380 from the clubs in my group in SW9 and better than $300 from “I Gave Pins” as I visited clubs. I will be trying to finish my first round by November and hope to start to seeing more checks coming to Iowa Lions Foundation from different clubs. The visits are well received and I am establishing new relationships and friendships on the way. I will do a second round of club visitations next spring with a focus on one or two of the main entities. I did add my own spin to “meeting the needs of one person at a time with a life changing event” hearing restored, freedom for the blind or partial blind. I then talk about cochlear implants, cornea transplant, leader dog with puppies-including reference to Dawn Rudolph, a leader dog recipient for our sponsored puppy Lady, hearing aids and etc. Almost every club has promise to give dollars to the foundation so it is looking extremely good that we will make the dollars needed in my part of SW9.
I have collected $320 from the I gave pins and turned it in to SA Tim. Also gave him a $20,000 check from the 9EC golf tournament. I have visited Eldridge, Blue Grass and Miles clubs. I will be taking a little time off, but DG Robert has his Fall Rally on Oct.15th so he’ll collect from some of the clubs in our parade of checks. PDG Art Matje will also be there to represent the Foundation. I talked at the zone meeting held in Mechanicsville in September. PDG Kathy Rhinehart

Chris Hackett
Iowa Lions Foundation
9NE Trustee
October 2016
* Wrote and submitted article for the November 2016 edition of The Iowa Lion. Topic: The Braille Challenge
* Spoke at Zone Meeting 9NE R2Z3 – 2 clubs present
* Emailed invitation to all 9NE zone chairs for an ILF presentation at their zone meeting
* Emailed invitation to all 9NE Club Presidents or Secretaries for an ILF presentation at their meeting
* Received donation from Van Horne Lions Club
Report to Iowa Lions Foundation
October 8, 2016
Allen Ricks, trustee, District 9MC
The new Foundation year is underway. With goals established and clubs assigned, the work in District 9MC is also progressing. I’ve had the pleasure of attending seven club meetings and two zone meetings thus far, with more club visits and the district convention scheduled in October and November. The basic messages I try to convey at each club visit are a) thank you for past support, b) encouragement of support for 2016-17, c) the multiple ways that we can support the Foundation (something for everyone!), d) regarding Foundation giving as a “primary” priority for each club – the synergy of our working together to accomplish great things!
Lions District 9 NC Iowa Lions Foundation Report -1st Quarter 2016-2017
Contributions to the Iowa Lions Foundation have been relatively slow for the 1st quarter of the 2016-2017 Lions fiscal year, with only 3 clubs having made contributions, according to the Iowa Lions web site Foundation’s page.
Attended one Zone meeting on September 29th in Mason City and briefly promoted the Iowa Lions Foundation. Currently composing a letter to be submitted to assigned Clubs in the northern part of Lions District 9 NC for the purpose of scheduling Foundation presentations and in seeking contributions. Have a Foundation presentation scheduled with the Garner Lions Club on October 18th.

Gary Schriver, Lions Clubs of Iowa-District 9 NC
Iowa Lions Foundation Trustee
Dr. Gene Noonan Trustee
I have made a power point presentation that I would like the foundation members to peruse and ok for presentations to clubs and zone meetings. Also I plan to make a flyer that will be sent to clubs asking for donations. I have not attended meetings up to this point but I do have one scheduled for October 26.
I attended Puppy days at the Ft. Dodge Correctional Facility on August 27th and have prepared a short PowerPoint presentation to show clubs when I visit. I have shared it with one club so far and have appointments to show it at 4 additional clubs in the near future.
I am also going to share it with a Kiwanis Club locally later this month.
I spent considerable time working on hosting International President Corlew with the Mt. Pleasant University Lions Club.
I have collected $1400 so far and received $123 toward “I Gave” pins.
We have also been looking at the Policy Manual for updates and hope to have that ready for the meeting.

Al Olson Trustee
July 31st attended 9-EC Cabinet Meeting

August 1st Represented ILF at Eldridge Lions meeting.

August 2nd Assisted in Talk Lions and Screening for KidSight.

August 29th Attended a combined Zone meeting.

August 31st Attended 9-EC PDG meeting.

Sept. 15 Represented ILF at LeClaire Lions, and installed officers.

Sept. 18th attended dinner with International Lions President- Corlew.

Trustee Arthur A. Matje