The Iowa Lion: February 2021
In this issue of The Iowa Lion
- Save the Date for MD9 State Convention (Pg 1)
- Wanted: Lions to Serve (Pg 2)
- The Lions Service Journey (Pg 4)
- Lions International Board Passes Resolutions to Help Lions Clubs (Pg 4)
- Diabetes Prescription Law (Pg 6)
- 2021 LCI Convention Moving to Virtual Event (Pg 7)
- Clive Lions Christmas Story (Pg 11)
- 9SW District Convention Registration (Pg 19)
- Foundation Continues State Eyeglass Recycling Project (Pg 22)
- Lions Pride Yard Signs Order Form (Pg 23)
- Lions Support Teachers During Pandemic (Pg 24)
- Glenwood Lions Aid Flood Victims (Pg 25)
- 4th Annual Lake Macbride Fat Tire Classic (Pg 26)