The Iowa Lion: March 2021

In this issue of The Iowa Lion
- Camp Courageous of Iowa: The Second Year of the Pandemic (Pg 1)
- Vote on Proposed Constitution & By-Laws Changes Set for May State Convention (Pg 2)
- LCIF: Lifeblood for Lions Major Service Projects (Pg 4)
- History of Diabetes, Part 3 (Pg 6)
- 9SW District Convention Registration (Pg 14)
- 9EC Spring Convention Registration (Pg 16)
- Spread the Word to Help Raise Funds for LCIF (Pg 19)
- Calling All Women: Iowa Lions Women’s Symposium (Pg 21)
- Membership is the Lifeblood of Our Clubs (Pg 22)
- Iowa Lions State Convention Registration (Pg 23)
- Ideas of Socially-Distant Environmental Projects (Pg 24)
- Wanted: Lions to Serve (Pg 25)
- LCIF: Campaign 100 Tell-A-Thon (Pg 26)
- Proposed Iowa Lions Constitution and By-Laws Changes (Pgs 27-60)