The Iowa Lion: June 2022
In this issue of The Iowa Lion magazine:
- Iowa Lions Eye Bank Continues to Develop Advancements in Cornea Tissue Transplants (Pg 1)
- Save the Date for the Iowa Lions Fall Learning Conference (Pg 2)
- LCIF Campaign 100 Wrap-Up (Pg 4)
- Dubuque Noon Lions Celebrate 100 Years (Pg 5)
- What’s Your Lions Story (Pg 7)
- Save the Date for the MD9 GAT Summit (Pg 7)
- Kindness Matters Service Award (Pg 12)
- Historical Highlight: Des Moines Host Lions Club (Pg 19)
- District 9NE Presents Awards at Celebration of Achievement (Pg 22)
- How to Organize an Omelet Breakfast (Pg 24)
- Des Moines Host Lions Golf Tournament and Fundraiser Flyer (Pg 25)
- Oskaloosa Lions Golf Shootout Flyer (Pg 26)
- Beat Cancer Night at The Kernels Flyer (Pg 27)
- USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum Flyer (Pg 28)
- Nevada Lions Colorado Peach Fundraiser Flyer (Pg 30)