
September 3, 2024

The Iowa Lion: September 2024

A woman in a red top and blue shorts has her arm around a pre-teen girl in a white t-shirt and denim shorts posing beside a shopping cart in the middle of a super center.

In this issue of The Iowa Lion magazine:

  • LCIF, Lions and Bridges (Pg 1)
  • A Volunteer’s Perspective of Iowa Lions Youth Exchange Camp (Pg 3)
  • Iowa KidSight Honors Don and Jo Kothenbeutel with the 2024 Scott Distinguished Legacy Award (Pg 6)
  • Invitation to Cedar Falls Lions 100th Anniversary Celebration (Pg 7)
  • District 9NE and 9NC Joint Convention Registration Form (Pg 9)
  • District 9EC Fall Rally Registration Form (Pg 19)
  • District 9NW Convention Registration Form (Pg 21)
  • District 9MC Contributes to Mission 1.5 with Charter of South Tama Lions Club (Pg 22)
  • Iowa Lions Fall Learning Conference Registration Form (Pg 23)
  • Individuals Served by Iowa Lions Theme of 2024 Fall Learning Conference (Pg 24)
  • Bondurant Lions Cow Pasture Golf Tournament Flyer (Pg 25)
  • For Sale: Electric Countertop Grills (Pg 26)

Click here to read this issue.

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