
January 7, 2017

State Business Meeting January 7, 2017


Call to Order CC Terry Durham
Introduction of Color Guard CC Terry Durham
Presentation of Colors & Pledge Troop 208
Invocation PDG Dean Porter, State Chaplin
Appointment of Sergeant of Arms CC Terry Durham
Rules Committee Report PCC Duane Eldred
State Convention Report PDG Zane Vokes
International Convention Report CC Terry Durham
State Administrator’s Report SA PDG Tim Wilson
Iowa Lions Foundation Report President PDG Zane Vokes
Iowa Lions Foundation Gala Report Lion Phil Larabee
LCIF Report PDG Gary Glockhoff
Other Reports
Delegate Vote & Results PDG David Dannen
Spontaneous Demonstration Audience
Great Plains Leadership Institute PCC Ardie Klemish
USA/Canada Forum PCC Ardie Klemish
Lions University PCC Ardie Klemish
Eating Crow PCC Jerry Inman
First Timers’ Drawing CC Terry Durham
Introduction of PID Brian Sheehan PID Judy Hankom
Comments PID Brian Sheehan
Announcements DGE Judy Stone
Recess CC Terry Durham


Business Meeting
January 07, 2017

CC Terry Durham called the meeting to order 2:33 PM on Jan. 07, 2017.

Introduction of Colors- Clive Boy Scouts

Invocation- PDG Dean Porter

Appointment of Sergeant of Arms- CC Durham appointed PCC Pollard

Rules Committee Report-
Motion by Rules Committee Chair, PCC Duane Eldred to accept the Rules as stated in the conference program.
Second by Lion Margaret Kilibarde. Motion Carried

Convention Report- PDG Zane Vokes
Iowa Lions State Convention will be June 2-3, 2017 at the Cedar Rapids Marriott.

International Convention Report- CC Durham
Outlined the registration process.
There will be busses from Des Moines and Waterloo. See PID Gary Fry or PDG Stephen Becker for details.

State Administration Report- SA Tim Wilson Report is on file
Highlighted that the Office Lighting project is completed and it looks great.
Encouraged everyone to come visit the State Office.

Iowa Lions Foundation- PDG Vokes-
Needs clubs to contribute. Only at 42% of District goals.
Spoke on the Recurring personal donations program that PDG Gary Glockhoff will present.

Iowa Lions Foundation Gala- Lion Phil Larabee- Feb. 18, 2017
51 tickets sold so far.
Speaker is Curtis Tomasevicz, Olympic Silver Medalist Bobsledder.

LCIF- PDG Gary Glockhoff
LCIF has created a Club LCIF Coordinator position. Encouraged all clubs to appoint one.
Presented a Brochure for recurring donation. This will allow members or non-members to setup recurring donations to both LCIF and the Iowa Lions Foundation.
There is a Hickory Golf Event lined up prior to the Iowa Lions State Convention in Cedar Rapids June 01, 2017

No other Reports

Credentials Report- Credentials Committee
There are 127 Certified Delegates.

CC Durham called for the meeting to go to convention.

PDG Pat Parker made a nomination speech for PCC Ardie Klemish
to be endorsed by MD9 as a candidate for International Director
Seconding speech by DG Paul Hain Jr.
Campaign Demonstration was led by DG Ken Klemish

Elections- Elections Committee Chair. PDG David Dannen
Explained the voting process. Ballots were handed to all certified delegates.
Voting was conducted.
PDG Dannen announced the voting results- 111 to 1 to Endorse PCC Ardie Klemish as a candidate for International Director.

PCC Klemish reviewed the Leadership opportunities for Lions
USA/Canada- Portland- Sept. 21-23, 2017
GPLLI- July 21-23, 2017
Lions University
A bid has been submitted by the Lions of Iowa for the 2021 USA/Canada Forum.
If you need to order a new Iowa Lions Parade Shirt you can sign up at the Leadership booth in the vendor area.

Eating Crow- PCC Jerry Inman
PCC Jerry explained the ongoing friendly wager he has with PID Gary Fry and PCC Duane Eldred. His St. Louis Cardinals finished 17 games back of the Chicago Cubs therefore he owes $34 to the Iowa Lions Foundation. Since the Cubs won the Championship he is reluctantly making a $50.00 donation to the Foundation. He humbly presented a $25 check to each PID Fry and PCC Eldred.

PID Comments- PID Brian Sheehan
PID Sheehan was impressed with the work the Lions of Iowa do.
From 1979- present the Lions of Iowa have donated $4.4 Million to LCIF
Doing great work through the Council and the Iowa Lions Foundation.
Thanked the Lions for having him here and having a great time.

Announcements- DGE Judy Stone

Recessed at 3:45 PM