2024 Great Plains Lions Leadership Institute / Midwest Faculty Development Institute
Click the link above to more information and application forms.

The Norm Dean Membership Growth Award
In the 2012-2013 Lions year it was suggested the Council of Governors to create a multiple district award for yearly district membership growth. The decision was made that the growth be based on the net increase from the year before. Since the start of this award, membership growth has been achieved five times. One year two districts qualified but District 9SW was given the award due to the largest growth. The award is presented to the District Governor, for the year of winning the award, on behalf of the district. Click here for the complete info.

May 7, 1920 the International Association of Lions Clubs
chartered the Cedar Rapids Noon Lions Club. Join us at the Elmcrest Country Club for a night of celebration featuring movies from the 1920’s, the history of the club’s projects for the next 100 years. The guest speaker will be Past International Lions President Joe Preston. Click here to download the flyer.